Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 12 -- Unpacked and Settled in Dayton

Today was packed full with fully unpacking all my college belongings.  We did a little room swap at The Nest, and I'm looking forward to no longer living in the kitchen (that comment is really only relevant for those who have been in The Nest).

I've got just a short post for t'day as I'm itching to get to bed.

Today I'm sharing a Talk by Alessandro Acquisti: Why privacy matters.  As continue to move/share our lives online, it becomes especially important to understand privacy and what our personal privacy policies are.

I was thinking about Roads and how long they've been around.  Roads go back such a long way, connecting people and enabling commerce.

Spanish Word
media naranja -- literally "half orange," but the phrase means soul mate.


I'll have a better post tomorrow

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