Kroll Comedy Show
The TED Talk I watched this morning is about suspended animation. Mark Roth: Suspended animation is within our grasp is about his lab's research into medical applications of chemically-induced suspended animation using hydrogen sulfide. Basically, it's the process of significantly decreasing the oxygen demand of an organism in turn lowing its metabolic rate. The idea is that the dying process can be paused or put into slow-motion after some traumatic event, buying time to fix the problem. Very cool.
After watching the TED Talk, I did some Wikipedia-ing and came to Biological immortality. The definition is somewhat debated among those that study it, but it's basically as it sounds -- not dying as a result of aging. The section that I drawn to (of course) was Attempts to engineer biological immortality in humans. We're not there yet... but if there's a strong political push, we could be getting close.
Spanish Word
mamíferos -- mammals
Thanks for reading, everyone!
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