Friday, January 31, 2014

Day 31 -- Final blog post!

Well, I wish I'd prepared something a little better for my final blog post.  So if you've been reading this, you'll have to put up with mediocre finale.

This wraps up my first of 12 new Try Something News.  Every single day this month I blogged.  I'd always sort of wanted to have a blog, so this was an easy kick off to this year of trying new things.  I won't be posting anymore, at least in this blog.  As of now, this blog had a total of 2,541 pageviews from 10 different countries.  Which is super awesome.

Next month, so starting tomorrow, I'll be watching a new documentary every day throughout February.  I imagine I'll follow a list of top docs, but if anyone has suggestions/recommendations, I'd obviously bump it to the top.  I'll probably share really good documentaries on Facebook, noting its viewing is a part of my try something new for 30 days challenge.

Other than documentaries, I really want to run 100 miles during a month -- something that'll come to fruition only through sheer force of will because I hate to running (but I love gerunds).  I also signed up for (National Novel Writing Month), which will be November's devotion.  But I haven't for sure decided on anything else -- so find me and give me suggestions!

For the last TED Talk of this blog, I'm actually not going to share anything science/future/tech related (actually surprising, probably).  Paul Kemp-Robertson: Bitcoin. Sweat. Tide. Meet the future of branded currency.  This Talk really got the old gray matter working upstairs -- I began wondering how far into the future will privatized currencies be present (dominant?) before governments decide they don't like it?  Or will they even decide that...  I wonder also about the inefficiencies in the markets in which these currencies may trade and if there will be any arbitrage opportunities for the first movers?

Also not science/future/tech related, Arbitrage.  I referenced arbitrage as an opportunity to profit in the paragraph above.  Basically, it's "taking advantage of a price difference between two or more markets", but if you want to learn more about the risks, types, and infamous Long-Term Capital Management, click the link and read the page.

Spanish Word
gracias, te quiero todo -- thank you, I love you all

Bonus Snapchat Section
Because this is a funny Snapchat.  So many posters like this are hung throughout the Ghetto and Dark Side ironically.

Seriously, thanks, everyone, for reading my blog and following me through this first month of my 12 month Try Something New for 30 Days New Year's resolution!  I've loved the first twelfth more than I could have imagined solely because of the social support and modest following.

All that's good,

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