Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Day 8 -- I greet you as a Wikipedia Editor

With only a few more days before I move back to Dayton, I'm gearing up mentally for what will undoubtedly be the best semester yet.  I couldn't ask for a greater group of friends or a better final semester class schedule.  I'm taking my business capstone business class, an intro to entrepreneurship course, SCUBA, star gazing, and wine tasting.  No classes Friday or before noon.  Come February 17, I'll work part time with Brady Ware & Company in downtown Dayton preparing tax returns.

Concluding this semester will be UD's annual migration to Daytona, FL for our Dayton 2 Daytona trip.  It was actually my excitement for D2D that led me to becoming a Wikipedia Editor (pretty sure it's not a title and doesn't need capitalization, but I like it better that way).  Note my edits for Daytona Beach, Florida below.
It's just a few small edits - but it feels pretty good to contribute and bring a little attention to UD and our superbness.

Larry Smith: Why you will fail to have a great career is a funny talk on success and careers.  Applicable for those of us who are wrapping up the supreme party that is undergraduate studies.

See above -- Daytona Beach, Florida.

Spanish Word
Hola, soy un ladrón, y estoy aquí para robar tu corazón. -- Hello, I am a thief. And I am here to steal your heart

That's the exact phrase I used on Mariah Leigh in Spanish class senior year at Marian High School.

Bonus Food Section
Barbie Fulnecky offered some advice for my blog last night: "Talk more about food."  Also, my sisters Josie Cressy and Maggie Cressy requested shoutouts, and I think they would more than approve of being a part of this section.

I'll use this bonus food section as an opportunity to describe my three favorite kitchen appliances.

  1. By a quantum leap my favorite kitchen appliance is the Vita-Mix: Blending Station.  Typically for breakfast, but oftentimes for lunch, I will toss a bunch of kale, spinach, bok choy, collard greens, carrots, apples, bananas, blue/straw/black/and raspberries, and some ice into the it and blend to a fine silky age-defending, health-promoting nectar.
    Mine's black/red
  2. Next is the Zojirushi Micom rice cooker and warmer.  With it, I can set forbidden black rice or steel cut oats to be ready when I wake up in the morning.  One feature I love about it is it keeps the food warm until I want it -- so if I don't finish my morning porridge, it keeps it ready for eats until lataz.
    I have the model on the right
  3. My third favorite appliance... is probably our pot-cooker-turned-moonshine-still.  With it, my roommates and I can cook delicious beef and barley stew, then distill moonshine whiskey!  It's a good twofer.
Everyday Photo
January 8, 2014

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