Sunday, January 5, 2014

Day 5 -- snow days just announced for St. Anthony's and Marian!

Hearing of school cancellations due to temperatures as low as -32F and lake effect snow already reaching 24" still brings the excitement of "no school tomorrow!"  So much time for activities now!  It has cellallir all morning and may even begin to pirrelvag later!  (Eskimoan snow words.)  There's just something about a heavily snowing day and the way it "sticks it" to the school board "man" that makes us happy.  And on happiness, I highly recommend watching the TED Talk below.

Shawn Achor's The happy secret to better work is easily one of my absolute favorite Talks.  Shortly after watching this video for the first time, I downloaded his Happiness Advantage book on my Kindle.  In the book, he goes on to elaborate a bit more, all the while citing many, many studies.  An easy read -- has changed my life.

Also, I watched Cynthia Kenyon: Experiments that hint of longer lives today.  I fully expect to live to be 130+ years old, active and aware.  The science explained in this bonus TED Talk today could very well help me/us get there.

The North wall of my bedroom is a map projection of the Earth (picture below).  Looking at it today, I began to wonder (like I have many times before) why Europe is its own continent?  I think it's just so European of Europe to say it's separate from Asia.  I also got to wondering how many countries are transcontinental.  If you care to know, here is the Wikipedia List of transcontinental countries.

Spanish Word
botellón -- meeting with friends in a park or public place with a lot of alcohol
involved.  What's the English equivalent?

Everyday Photo
January 5, 2014
North wall of bedroom

1 comment:

  1. I really wish there was an English equivalent to botellon. That was my favorite cultural experience of Spain, by far.
